WaiWela PHH-32ROF-N Gas Tankless Water Heater
- Save space and provide a higher efficiency
- Giving you the most energy efficient model
- Easy to install and it's easy to maintain
About This Product
The Paloma PHH-32ROF will support 3-4 major hot water functions in a warm climate. This unit uses condensing technology that allows it to be the most efficient whole home tankless water heating solution at 0.94 Energy Factor. It can also be converted for commercial use up to 185F with the simple addition of a hi-temp computer chip. OUTDOOR MODELS SHOULD NOT BE INSTALLED IN CLIMATES WHERE FREEZING IS LIKELY
- Residential & Commercial Applications
- 0.26GPM Minimum Flow Rate / 0.4 GPM Activation
- Integrated Appliance Adapter & Condensate Drain To Simplify Venting On Indoor Direct Vent Models
- Supports both Horizontal & Vertical Venting
- Wired Temperature Remote Control Included
- Connect Up To 20 Units In Tandem
- High Altitude Capable
- Self Diagnostic System
- Supplied 120V Power Cord On IndoorDirect Vent Models
- Freeze Protected To -30°F
- Low NOx burner
- Accepts Preheated Water Up To 140°F
- Made In Japan
Incomplete Combustion Avoidance Device Monitors Combustion For Evidence Of Unsafe Carbon Monoxide - Overheat Limit Wrap
Resin Film Surrounds The Combustion Chamber, Detecting Overheating - Flame Failure Monitor
Flame Rods Ensure Proper Firing & Detect Flame Failure - Anti-Scald Protection
Temperature Controller Can be Adjusted To Prevent Scalding
- Digital Controller
Changes Temperature Settings Immediately & Precisely With The Touch Of A button, And Functions As A Diagnostic Display - Endless Hot Water
Never Run Out Of Hot Water Again
- Hi-Temp Commercial Chip
- DUOnex Cable (2 unit manifold system)
- MIC-6 (up to 6 unit manifold system)
- MIC-180 & MICS-180 (Up to 20 unit manifold system)
- Cables for MIC manifold systems
- UMC-117 (main controller)
- USC1-117 (bathroom 1 controller)
- USC2-117 (bathroom 2 controller)
- Vent Terminations
- Cosmetic Pipe Cover
- TIV - Tankless Installation Valves
- Un-Clog-It (descaling kit)